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How to address gap while writing a research article


How to address gap in while writing a research article?

How to address gap in while writing a research article,Research,

Let's talk about research design, and internal coherence.

Each part of your research process has to be coherent in two regards.

First, each part has to be coherent with one another.
Second, they all have to be coherent with the research question you raised and
the problematic you built through your literature review and empirical context.
In other words, you have to make sure that the type of results you provide i in which the comprehension of the research question you raised in the beginning of the paper.
This research question is a unifying thread of the paper and
it justifies the research process. As you progress in your paper, you may have to go back and forth between the research question, the theoretical background and
particle context and the methodology to adjust for coherence.

The research design has to be transparent and coherent in your final paper.
When the paper is done, all the composing blocks from the abstract to the conclusion have to be organized in such a way that the reader can seamlessly go from one to the other.

There must be no logical mistake between each block.
So, this design has to be clear and coherent before writing.

To come back to our main subject and clarify the importance of the research
design in your paper, let's quickly do composite structure.
The structure is supposed to mirror the research process.
It allow us to go from the last literary gap and
the research question to the results, and contributions.

Your research design embodies the linkage between the research question,
the methodology and data as well as the results and theoretical contributions.

Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to ensure
your research design is coherent.
First, is my problematic coherent with the literature strand I chose for
theoretical anchorage?
Second, is my methodology compatible with the problematic I established?
For instance, a case study may be adapted to create testable hypotheses and
theories, but in no case to test them.
Also, do I bring elements of answers only to the research question I raised?
If not, you have to get rid of them or rethink your research question.

Finally, do I enrich the comprehension of the literature
with the discussion of my results?

The research design is also here to help you understand
what may be superfluous in your paper.
If one item doesn't serve or even hinder the global coherence of the paper,
you have to change it or get rid of it.

It is a way to ensure that you are focusing
on what is at the core of your paper as the saying goes, one idea, one paper.

To sum up, clearly describing your research design helps you ensure.
First, the relevance of the case and that can be field chosen for your problematic and research question.
Second, the relevance and rigor of the methodology chosen.
Third, the quality and relevance of the data collected relative to the metallurgy.
And finally, the internal and
external coherence of all the blocks forming your article.


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