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Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles

 Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles

Seddulbahir Episode 1,Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles,Seddulbahir,

Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles With the very famous performer, this series tells associated with the contention of the mind boggling 32-hour in Seddulbahir. Canakkale is the principal region for its set. Various weapons and outfits were ready to show the watcher the period. The fortifications and directs are used in the battle scenes. This series is simply containing four episodes and in somewhere near four months it is done.

Seddulbahir Episode 1,Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles,Seddulbahir, In Seddulbahir 32 Saat Series, The Ottoman Empire requires more officers in the First World War. Sergeant enlightens his family that he is doing OK. While Major Mahmud arranged his men to pursue against the British. The British need to take Istanbul. Ottoman champions start to defend the Canakkale against the contenders of French, British and Anzac and from various countries. Hussein tends to the contenders who went to his town and makes courses of action to join the World War. Metal counterfeiter Ramiz agrees and goes with them leaving his young kid with Hatice. The offspring of Ramiz can’t recognize this separation.

The officers of Turkish stay at their places and cause resistance against the British who to have shown up on the pot. The Marshal Pasha of German comes to understand that this is a fake movement and the British will pursue from another shore. The Pasha of the Ottoman suggests more heroes anyway Marshal Liman doesn’t agree to help. English contenders were in huge numbers as difference with Ottoman fighters. Mahmud Sabri needs to help his champions. Liman says these attacks are fake and want to help. Cevat Pasha doesn’t get a handle on the evaluation of Liman and sends a social event to Seddulbahir. The chaperon is alleviating the hurt officials and gets some data about Hussein. Major Mahmud orders to counterattack towards the British.

In Seddülbahir 32 Saat Series, Cevat Pasha considers the certifiable course of action of Liman and goes to his office to meet him. Cevat Pasha tells that they will win in the contention particularly like March 18. Hussein falls among the dead warriors during the attack. Zeliha gets some data about Hussein from Mehmet. Notwithstanding, Mehmet starts looking for Hussein. Halil Sami goes to headquarters and meets major Mahmud. Halil values the warriors for their fight. Halil says to hold on for the decision of Liman for another attack. After the clash of Sabri and Mahmud, Liman has gotten the time he really wanted. The contenders of Turkish re-visitation of the quarters after they assault. The partners of Hussein are concerned to take him. Mehmet comes to understand that his kid is making the conflict and this makes him very hopeless. Major Mahmud gathers a short meeting to portray what is happening of the events.
Seddulbahir Episode 1,Seddulbahir Episode 1 in Urdu Subtitles,Seddulbahir,

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