Before watching Haci Bayram Veli Episode 1 & 2 with Urdu Subtitles FINDOUT WHO IS HACI BAYRAM VELI
WHO IS HADRATH HACI BAYRAM VELI? Hacı Bayram-I Veli, the Pir (head) of Bayramiyye, the first tariqa laid out by a Turkish tasavvuf specialist who was raised in Anatolian lands, was brought into the world in Ankara in the essential piece of the XIV. century, during the standard of Orhan Ghazi, offspring of Osman Ghazi.
With the creation of Bursalı Mehmed Tahir (Hacı Bayram-ı Velî, Istanbul 1329), which passes on the information given by Taşköprizade, Mecdî Efendi, Sarı Abdullah Efendi and Ismâil Hakkı Bursevî, and Mehmed Ali Ayni's significant and point by point book that doesn't outperform the information in Bursalı Mehmed Tahir's work.
(Hacı Bayram-ı Velî, Istanbul 1343), Fuat Bayramoğlu's XVIII and XIX. Beside his work (Hacı Bayram-ı Veli: Yaşamı-Soyu-Foundation, I-II, Ankara 1983), which contains the power reports of the nineteenth 100 years and is the consequence of a striking effort, no veritable survey has been finished concerning him considering the examination of the sources.
Various books clarified Hacı Bayram-ı Velî contain the emphasis of limited information in these works.
Watch Haci Bayram Veli Episode 1 & 2 with Urdu Subtitles