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Payitaht Abdul Hamid Episode 134 Urdu dubbed by PTV Home

 Payitaht Abdul Hamid Episode 134 Urdu dubbed by PTV Home,Payitaht Abdul Hamid Episode 134 Urdu dubbed,Payitaht Abdul Hamid Episode 134 Urdu,Payitaht Abdul Hamid season 2 Urdu dubbed,

Payitaht Abdul Hamid Episode 134 Urdu dubbed by PTV Home .So the particles of this soil speak. The souls of the martyrs and the oppressed give language to this soil. To hear the voice of pure soil requires the insight of faith. And to understand this voice, it is necessary to have the light of Allah in the heart and mind.

Faith and heart has a great relation

If there is no insight of faith, there is no light of Allah in the heart and mind. So we are added to those people who are insulted by Allah. About whom the Qur’an said. That we have put lead in their ears. And the brains are confused. And for them is disgrace in this world and the punishment of the Fire in the Hereafter, and Allah knows best how terrible that punishment will be.

The golden era

It happened two or four years before or two or four years after 940. That the golden age of Noshirwan Adil, the king of Iran, was over. And this land was now ruled by him who hated justice and fairness. That king considered his subjects as his slaves. The way to enslave people is to throw away the chessboard of justice and fairness. Starve the subjects.

Sultan and Parvus

Let them not talk, strangle the truth. Do justice to him who will be the king of time. Create a group of cheerleaders. Choose the minister and adviser from the same group. Bring people to this situation by keeping them in a tight spot. Where a man takes a bone from a dog’s mouth and puts it in the mouth of his hungry child. This king of Iran banished justice from the country.

A New character enters

And the plant of justice planted by Noshirwan Adil was uprooted and thrown away. And forced Noshirwan’s family to leave Iran. So these people left Iran and scattered here and there. When he fell from the throne to the floor, he left in the same direction. The means of livelihood scattered them. Nomadic. The bearers of justice were victims of injustice. The children died young.

Watch Sultan Abdul Hamid Episode 134 urdu dubbed by PTV

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