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Dark-Psychology The-Practical Uses and-Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life

Dark-Psychology The-Practical Uses and-Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life,Recent,Free pdf books,


“It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt

It hides behind stars and under hills and empty holes it fills

It comes first and follows after. Ends life, kills laughter”

J.R.R Tolkien – The Hobbit

The mind is one of the most complex aspects of human nature. The workings of

the mind are something that has both puzzled and intrigued mankind for as long

as we can remember. Philosophers, psychologists and scientists have sought to

unravel the mysteries of the mind. It is a generally held belief that the human

mind influences our behavior and actions. So, a lot of research work has gone

into understanding the mental process that a person undergoes before taking

action, whether good or bad.

Some attempts at studying the human mind have concentrated efforts on

the brain. These studies look at the physical aspects of the brain with a focus on

how information is acquired, processed, interpreted and stored. Essentially, they

hope to get a better understanding of how the brain can affect a person's way of

reasoning. It is studies like these that has paved the way for progress in

managing debilitating conditions like Alzheimer, perception difficulties and

even memory loss.

The more familiar aspect of the study of the human mind is psychology.

At some point in our lives, we have either consulted a psychologist or we have

known someone who had to consult with one in order to navigate our tougher

emotional battles. A lot of times, life's experiences breaks us down in ways we

cannot fix on our own. Sometimes, the breakdown is as a result of certain

biological markers we inherited from our parents. Emotions like depression,

anxiety and fear darken our daily experiences making it difficult to thrive. With

a combination of drugs and therapy we are able to protect ourselves from the

darkness within.

But, what about the darkness in others?

Everyone has the capacity of doing great good. We also possess the

ability to do great evil. Beneath emotions like sadness, depression, joy and

happiness is a deep seethed desire that can lead us to deliberately harm others if

those urges are not brought under control. These darker desires are rooted in

more primitive instincts like our flight or fight response that promotes our

survival. Sometimes, there is only one word that qualifies the human response to

these dark emotions...evil.

Dark psychology is a study of the human condition in relation to the

psychological nature of humans to prey on others. In lay terms, dark psychology

explores that aspect of human nature that allows us deliberately and willfully

take actions that bring harm to our fellow humans. Mind you, the use of prey in

this context does not necessarily translate into the physical harming of a person

although, there is a branch of dark psychology that is dedicated entirely to this.

In subsequent chapters, we will touch briefly on those areas to get a better

understanding of the topic.

In movies or books, you may have come across words or phrases

alluding to “a darkness within”. Even some of the most famous philosophers

made references to this. The revered book of the Christians talks about how “the

heart of man is desperately wicked”. We have all encountered that one

individual who we have described as exceptionally calm or reserved in social

settings only for this same individual to perpetrate an act so devious that we find

it difficult to associate that act with this individual in question. Sometimes, we

are that individual. As surprising as it may seem, it is not entirely shocking.

Those cases are just triggered responses to external situations. The pot

was stirred so to speak and those dark emotions that hid beneath simmered to the


Usually they recede once control is exerted. Everyone has a latent

tendency to be a bit naughty or just downright evil if the right “buttons” are

pushed. Some other individuals on the other hand are fully in control of these

dark emotions. They nurture them, feed them and when it serves their own

purposes, they willfully unleash them at the expense of another person.

Sometimes, these emotions are groomed from an early age. A child

learns that if he or she cries in a certain way, the adults in their lives rush to do

their bidding. If the parents do not impress on the child early enough the

wrongness of this, the child grows up thinking people in their lives can be

manipulated into doing their bidding. The crying would cease to be a weapon as

they grow but they would continue in their manipulative ways. Where they don't

use tears, they use emotions to blackmail their victims. So, what started out as an

innocent childish behavior becomes a dark need to control.

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