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Simple Random Sampling

 Simple Random Sampling:

Simple random sampling is a method in which all population has an equal chance of selection as a sample. This is a type of probability sampling method. This sampling technique can be used if the sample is in large number. For example, in hundreds or above hundred. It is difficult method to implement due to large population.

Process of Simple Random Sampling:

These steps are involved in implementing simple random sampling method;

1.     Researcher makes a list of all peoples of the population.

2.     Researcher assigns a different number to every person.

3.     Researcher uses random number tables or random number generator software to select random sample for data collection.

Formula of Random Sampling:

For example, we want to collect data from 2000 students from the population. We want a sample of 200 students. we will divide population with the size of sample

For example, we denote population size with (N)

and Sample size with (n)

Population divided by sample =N/n =2000/200 =10

Every 10th person from the population will be selected for data collection.

Suggested Readings:

1.     Cochran, W. G. (2007). Sampling techniques. John Wiley & Sons.

2.     Marshall, M. N. (1996). Sampling for qualitative research. Family practice, 13(6), 522-526.

3.     Olken, F., & Rotem, D. (1986). Simple random sampling from relational databases.

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