The Oath Soz Season 2
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 in Urdu Subtitles
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles
I will be happy in the event that you don't cause problems once more. I bring in cash like this. Get yourself a line of work that will not cause you problems. What are you checking out? Pivot Mesut. Get in getting in the house Why are you seeming as though you've seen an apparition It's me your better half Get me a glass of water Did anybody see you. I don't realize I didn't check out They planned to execute me I took off. Where could Nesim be? Try not to stress over your child He is fine Pack your sacks we're passing on To where.
The kids were coming clean!
To Hell, I let you know that they planned to execute me Do you believe that they'll allow you to live assuming they track down me. Gather your sacks Open the entryway I realize that he is in there Watchman Where is my weapon. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 Part 1 With Urdu Subtitles, There isn't a firearm in the house Our child took them generally Open the entryway or I'll tear it Open. Go in. The kids were coming clean. What are you doing here? Are there others? Could it be said that they will be here?
There's a man working for Cholak in the town!
Nobody with me. I'm distant from everyone else. Come on. Come here. You took all that we had What else do you need from us. You took every one of the creatures and the arrangements. I need nothing They planned to execute me so I took off I will give up If they assist me with taking off I will let them know all that I realize How might I realize that you're coming clean. What's more, you're not setting me up. Don't you see how they've treated me? Try not to move. Indeed, Mush, sir there's a man working for Cholak at the town.
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 in Urdu
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 in urdu Subtitles
Did Cholak do this to you?
Musa, how are you? I'm fine. Is this him? Indeed sir. That is him. He let me know that he will let me know all that he knows. In any case, I need something first. Champion quiet down We ought to listen to you first. How about we find out everything that you'll say to us. It's your choice. When Cholak comprehends that I'm gone the plane will be gone as well. Episode 13 section 1, Did Cholak do this to you? Better believe it. At the point when the Blonde lieutenant got away from he did this to me. He truly flipped out. What a failure.
The Blonde lieutenant episode was only a piece of an arrangement
Tell me did you kill that plane. The plane and the Blonde lieutenant occurrence was only a piece of an arrangement. What is it that Cholak expect from that plane? I don't have any idea. You know where the plane is nevertheless you don't have any idea what Cholak needs from that plane. How did this happen attractive? I realize a great deal of things however you'll safeguard me and my significant other first you will give us citizenship and I'll give you Cholak. What is your take?
They are keeping the plane concealed at an old distribution center
Would it be a good idea for us to trust him? Sir, he is stressed over his life. He may be coming clean. I've never been engaged with any of the assaults. I have been attempting to take off from that association for a really long time I just couldn't make it happen. OK, yet for what reason would it be advisable for us to trust you? OK, I will tell. The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 Part 2 With Urdu Subtitles, They are keeping the plane concealed at an old stockroom at the Armutchuk town.
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 in Urdu
The Oath Soz Season 2 Episode 13 in urdu Subtitles